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JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615
产品: 浏览次数:0JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 
品牌: JSW
单价: 1200.00元/卷
最小起订量: 1 卷
供货总量: 10000000 卷
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2022-11-11
 metal hot melt adhesive film,Biodegradable hot glue systems give many manufacturers a competitive advantage, as environmental values are becoming more and more important. metal hot melt adhesive film,The use of compostable hot melt glue also reduces waste and results in savings in processing costs. metal hot melt adhesive film,he primary lesson here applies not only to the use of hot melt adhesives but to the use of all products in the converting industry. Always follow the instructions of the manufacturer. metal hot melt adhesive film,In the case of hot melt products, this is especially true for application temperature.

JSW- JSW615 hot-melt adhesive is a professional solution to the narrow frame of mobile phones. The double-sided adhesive TP is not strong enough, and the frame is too wide, which affects the beauty. JSW company can provide a complete set of solutions to help customers achieve the mass production of narrow frame mobile phones and tablet computers, with high yield, firm and reliable bond, falling resistance, good weather resistance, and can improve the quality of mobile phones.JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 product data:

Packaging specification  (30ml)       Quality guarantee period  (6 months)

Opening Hours         (2-4 minutes)   solid                  (100%)

viscosity(110℃/Mpa) (4000~6000) smell                  (none)

proportion(g/cm3)    (1.12)       Appearance              (Beige solid)

Optimum sizing temperature(110℃)   Optimum bonding clearance(0.5~3mm)

Temperature resistance after curing(-40℃~95℃) solvent        (none)

The successful development of JSW- JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615  has opened a new prospect for the market. The company has established a comprehensive management system to stabilize the total production and improve the quality of JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615. Establish dispensing system suitable for technical development level. Greatly improve the service level of the business department. Strengthen the comprehensive management of production. Adhere to the basic decision-making of plan research and development, stabilize market supply, and take a variety of comprehensive measures. The mainland JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 market still needs to be vigorously developed, and there is a huge space for development.JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 enterprises can pay more attention to these downstream production needs, and be ready to strive for another doubling of JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 market next year. Maintain growth and leadership in emerging markets.

JSW's new product JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 works with many assembly companies, and its performance may be better. Market statistics show that in the two largest digital product production areas in Shenzhen and Dongguan, the consumption of JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 doubled year on year,

At the same time, investment inJSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 increased from January to April as oil fell while hand-held products remained stable. According to the statistical data of insight network of domestic adhesive industry, JSW company has invested 3.2 billion yuan in JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 investment, up 40% year on year. However, other domestic manufacturers are also buildingJSW Thermo-Bond Film 615  production base, which will make JSW face more competition in the new year.

JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 Special Announcement: JSW's recommendations for use, whether given in writing, orally or derived from the results of the JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 trial we have conducted, are based on our current state of knowledge and despite these recommendations, Buyer shall still be responsible for meeting the requirements of JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 by using the product supplied by us as suitable for its intended process or purpose, therefore Buyer shall perform sample bonding performance tests to prove that the expected requirements are met, as we have no control over JSW Thermo-Bond Film The application and use process of the 615 product, without the sample's expected bonding performance to confirm the use of this product, so we cannot bear any direct or indirect and accidental losses. If you encounter any problems in the process of using JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615, please contact our technical department and we will provide you with all the technical solutions and help.


The above is a simple introduction to
 JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615. Please enter the download window of the official website for detailed data


Now the smart machine is relatively large TP, if the bracket is wider, it will not look good, narrow frame bracket using double-sided tape width is small, resulting in insufficient adhesive, TP screen and support easy to degummy, dustproof and waterproof effect sharply decreased. JSW Company in mainland China general agent international first-class brand structure JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615, characteristics are: When using the need to heat (slightly modified equipment), the original packaging is solid, JSW Thermo-Bond Film 615 after heating out of the glue is a liquid, can be pointed out according to the need of various shapes, high utilization rate, the cost is lower than double-sided tape, the larger the size, the more obvious cost advantage,

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